Knee Replacement Rehab Going Well

Well it’s been just about 11 weeks since my knee replacement and things are going good! I can walk well and climb stairs without assistance.

If you didn’t know I had the knee replacement you couldn’t tell by my walking. Overall I’m happy with the recovery and progress. I am still having a bout with Insomnia but it seems to be getting better slowly. I have reduced PT to once a week and started going to the gym to strengthen my legs. Been using the bike and doing some leg presses along with just trying to get back in shape all around. img_3062.jpg


Its amazing, after just focusing on the knee and getting back to walking ok , how starting a regular workout routine again seems like work! I’ve always had a somewhat decent routine but nothing like some of my buddies. A few of the guys do Cross Fit or some variation of that and I must say the results for them have been great. I hope to try a more aggressive workout once my legs are stronger.

paddle board

At age 55 I definitely want to stay active and really look forward to going back to skating and playing hockey. There are a few other things I look forward to this summer. Hopefully paddleboarding and water skiing again. It’s been a few years since I’ve put on the water  skis. The pain out weighed the pleasure of water skiing the last few time I went. A friend lent me a paddle board last summer to use at the lake for a month. When it came down to it the paddle board was just a slow painful spin around the lake like water skiing used to be.


So I’m really anxious to try out these 2 sports with the new knee. When I tried the paddle board last summer my knee joint was so messed up, it felt like my joint was sliding around as I shifted weight balancing on the board …. ouch !!! Most of us are looking forward to the warm summer weather around the corner to go golfing, go the beach, go to the lake etc….. bring it on … I can’t wait. Have a wonderful rest of winter  !

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