Friday Morning Hockey 5/17/13 – Old Guy of the Week

Nev's new gearOld Guy of the Week –  After taking up Goal tending 4 months ago…Nev’s starting to look like a super star between the pipes! Covering for Tommy, who must have needed his beauty rest, Nev did a great job. Even though our games are usually in the double digits, Both Goalies Ronnie and Nev made a lot of great saves.

Another fun Friday Skate with all our regulars. Missing in action was Big  Dave (can you say Scotch) . Tommy I guess had a good excuse missing FMHL being out late at the Bruins 2nd round opener that they took in OT.

Hopefully you all stayed up this time to see the end of the Bruins game … Unlike some of you naysayers who bailed on Mondays unbelievable come back against Toronto. Big B’s Game on Sunday … let’s see if they can keep the pressure up. They looked great in the OT as well as the 3rd period. Very impressed with Bartkowski , he can really move the puck and doesn’t look timid at all.

Thanks again Nev for covering for Tommy!


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