Old Guy Hockey friends at whole foods bar

Well it’s been a while since I caught up with Lance (who by the way is a craft beer expert) at Whole Foods Craft Bar .We got caught up on the holidays and my recent knee replacement. I was glad to hear that Lance played hockey during the holiday skates with Nev’s Group!     We had a surprise as we were sipping our beer. Lance was like ” Did…

January 21, 2016

Physical Therapy is going well

Well it’s been a week of out patient PT and I feel that the physical therapy has been going great. I had 2 outpatient appointments this week for PT. Keith over at performance physical therapy worked my knee really hard and the results of been great.   I can almost straighten my leg completely out and my knee bending past 95° with a little pushing has been great. I think by Monday…

January 8, 2016

Knee Replacement Physical Therapy week 1

December 30, 2015

Well it’s been a week and PT seems to be going pretty well and my angle of my knee is almost to 90% which is really good. My trusty assistant has been muscling  me through physical therapy exercises .It’s been kind of difficult but she seems to know when to push me a little more than I want to go.  


Knee Replacement Surgery – Week After

December 28, 2015

    Well it’s been an interesting week. With Christmas in the rear view mirror and being home from surgery about 4 days, things are going pretty good. Going to be testing out a new gift this week. Home PT came in today and it went pretty good. I have a daily routine of exercises I need to do 2-3 . Then there is stretching the knee joint area. My…


Knee Replacement Day of Surgery

My left leg is obviously pitched inward and my right leg is bowed out. Years of favoring my left knee made me a little bow legged on the right side .   Well all set to go .We’ll have all new knee replacement updates and rehab status during the holiday weeks .

December 27, 2015

Knee replacement in the morning

As I sit here in my living room trying to stay awake, I think of all the things to be thankful for.   I’m trying to stay up till 12:30 so I can sleep till 7:00 or so ! When getting surgery you can’t eat or drink after midnite.  The problem I have is I’m a miserable bastard if I don’t have my 2 cups of bold French roast in the…

December 20, 2015