Tuesday Morning Hockey (TMHL)

This was  the Facebook Banter Today     Joseph Abreu Jr 7 hours ago via iGoogle Gadget · . Well lets just chalk up this mornings skate as learning experience. (of how NOT to play goalie) ugh. But there was one nice “head save” in there.   Kevin Crimp I can see your five-hole from here! 7 hours ago · Like.   Joseph Abreu Jr Hahah yea left that open…

July 3, 2012

Tuesday Morning Hockey Cyclones Arena

Well that was fun this morning. Joe and Ronnie played great in net (we really thank you guys for being there). As one who plays defense most of the time I can put up with the comments from the goalies because without them… not so fun, you know, plus we love you guys… It was actually a very close game for the most part with the usual swings of momentum (…

June 26, 2012

Fun Time with the League of Scoundrels

I had the pleasure this morning to be a sub for the Vegas Gold Team. I haven’t been a regular league player for many years now. I used to play in the Early Bird League but stopped about 4 years ago and have been playing pick up 2-3 days a week. I forgot how much I missed playing with officiating and stop time. It was a real fun time especially because the game…

June 4, 2012