Very Happy with the recovery of both knees. I find it much easier to do videos so here is #1 I’m hoping to water ski this summer and also getting back on the paddle board will be sweet. The new Hardware is working very nice. If anybody out there needs a little encouragement …. feel free. I was hesitant to get the knees done and I am more than happy…

Old Guy hockey rant #6 unisex bathrooms
This issue is and has been a hot topic for the last year or so . Trump just reversed Obamas ruling and it’s causing a little tension.

Old Guy Hockey Rant #5 Pick up Stats Matter and I’m sick of A- holes on the early morning commute
Pick up Stats Matter Rant #5 A-Holes that love their jobs

Old Guy Hockey Knee Replacement Update / Vent Session
Then I had another day of venting …… Then I decided to give it a shot F@$% it ! It hurt but it also felt good . You who play know what I mean!!

Old Guy Hockey Knee Replacement Update 6/7/16
Hope everyone is doing well. It been a while since I’ve written and was glad to see some of the guys this morning. I’ve been doing other stuff since I haven’t been playing hockey. Got back to the gym once the knee started feeling better. Got back to work at full speed for the last few months. I want to thank Paul D. for letting me borrow his paddle board,…

Bikram Yoga and Old Guy Hockey…Say What ?
Well it’s been a week or so since I last checked in and I have made a few adjustments to my knee replacement rehab. About a month ago one of my buddies said he was going to yoga 2 times a week with his wife. Part of me was trying to hide the eye roll and the other part of me was curious about it. I asked him a few…

Old Guy Hockey Return?
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve put out a blog post on OGH. I almost visited the rink on Tuesday morning to try out skating but I woke up real early (3:30) not feeling to good. So hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll be trying out the new knee on the ice. Since my recovery has been going well and I haven’t been playing hockey in the…

3 Months into the Knee Replacement Rehab
As I left this morning with crappy weather , snow and vehicles off the road , I wanted to put up the pic from 2 weeks ago. I was near the beach and I popped by on that day it hit 75. I think it was like high 60’s when I was there …. Little taste of summer! Anyway ….. Rehab has been going good. It’s been three months since…
What the Puck
just want to say As we get to the end of the season , we all know anything can happen with the playoff run. I’m amazed how consistent Washington has been all year long. They are definitely the ones to beat in the east. Boston is creeping back into play and the other favorites of coarse Tampa, NY and Florida. It should be a fun end of the season…
Here’s a few good ones. As the rules change and things get more strict in the NHL, every now and then you get to see some Old Time Hockey.